Sophomore Year Projects
All projects start with the most recent on top.
Music and Video Sync
Video | You're Fairly Controlled Music and Video Sync
I used the mashup "You're Fairly Controlled", a mashup of "Tag You're It" by Melanie Martinez, "Fairly Local" by Twenty One Pilots, and "Control" by Halsey. I used the audio from the mashup and added videos from covers people did of those songs so it looks like they're singing the actual song.
My Logos
Photoshop | My Full and Simple Logos
We had to make two logos for ourselves to use as production symbols and water marks from now on. My full logo (on the left) contains my full name, and my simplified logo (on the right) has only my initials.
The Angel Story Flip Book
Video | The Angel Story Flip Book
This was my first video project of the year. We had to draw out every individual frame and then put them all together in Premiere! I also had to Photoshop a lot of it... but it came out good besides for my awful drawing skills.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
The Angel Story Movie Cover
Other | The Angel Story Movie Cover
This was the second movie cover I did this year. We just drew what we envisioned for our movies.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Now You See Me Movie Cover
Other | Now You See Me Movie Cover
This was the first movie box cover we had to make in my sophomore year. We started simple and we had to create an alternative DVD cover to our favorite movie.