Senior Year Projects
All projects start with the most recent on top.
New Breed
Photoshop | Cat and Chinchilla
For this project, I had to create a new type of animal. I decided to put a cat and chinchilla together-both ways.

Line Art
Photoshop | Halsey and Me Line Art
For this project, I had to do line outlines of the original photos. I took it a step further when coloring it in. Instead of using one color, I tried my best to use colors to match the highlights and shadows.

Driving PSA Poster
Photoshop | Your Official Guide to Winter Time Driving
For this project, I took many photos from online showing many of the dangers of winter driving. These dangers include black ice, distracted driving, snow on the roads, snow on the tops of cars, tailgating, not wearing seat belts, not watching motorcycles, and not moving over for emergencies.
Driving PSA
Video | Clear the Snow Before You Go
A short PSA to announce the importance of clearing the sleet, snow, and ice off the roof of your car before driving. It shows examples of hazardous situations and helps people face the facts.
3D Stop Motion
Video | "'All I Want' Stop Motion"
After the 2-D stop motion completed my junior year, I wanted to challenge myself by creating a 3-D stop motion with build-a-bears. I had to stick wire hanger through the bears to pose them and it took forever to complete the shots. Anyway, the story for the video is that the girlfriend is dealing with the loss of her boyfriend. She's very depressed and dreams about him and sees memories of him everywhere.
Respect Week Video
Video | "26-Paramore Music Video"
This is a video I put together for 2018 Respect Week in my school. The video tells the story of a girl in a toxic relationship with a boyfriend who abuses her both physically and mentally. What once was a great relationship, has now turned dark and she tries to get help from a friend. This is meant to send a powerful message to respect your friends and the people you love.
Voting PSA
Video | "Voting PSA 2018"
This video's primary purpose was to include many people and a powerful message to convince the american people to vote. Everyone has an opinion and they should voice it.